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The Sence

HOME S T A R T  inter-LOVE S T A R T  inter-LOVE Begegnung Presse
Beginning with 5 painings in Germany-Frankfurt
sence of this world-culture-project
your image for your country or your town
dimensions of this project
material of this artexpression
the deeper sence for the society
the phenomenon of the inter-pictures
couples of inter-LOVE
search for couples
free combination of countries to paint
promotion of the arts
overview of organization
other ART-PROJECTS from Peter Waury
You find here the big world of ART Waury
flag of Peter Waury
to the beginning
Large-size paintings in bigger number show portraits on cloths. These are lowers from two different lands painted on a new form of pictures. They are called "inter-PICTUREs" and have a picture height of just 3 to 8 metres.
This project is put on for several years. A worldwide activity should originate, it is the search for mixed couples or exhibits all over the world.
  • All lands can present themselves as a land of the national connection. This image is outwardly at the same time a time report of a world movement inside: The meeting of the mortals of different lands at a miraculous level - the LOVE .
  • This impulse comes from Germany!
  • These meetings will more often happen. Causes are more favorable flight prices, the so-called globalisation. Now a strong communication is possible by phone and internet. Affected couples can feel better accepted in the society. The art project offers the oppunity to the other development of tolerance, for seizing of initiatives in a maturing society. With it supported this project an interpersonal desegregation also for the purpose of a worldwide integration thought. This art is an expression of worldwide love.
  • The tape of the love is the uncontroversialst kind and the biggest energy which is available to us!