Home START inter-LOVE other Expostions Welcome to the paintings ! Description inter-LOVE
15.Sept.- 30 Sept.2006
german/deutsch english french/francais spanish/espanol portuguese/portugues italian/italiano greek svensk chinese/中国人 japanese/日本人 korean/한국어 arab/عربي. russian/Русский turkishly/türkçe polish/polski polish/polski
in Frankfurt. / .Germany... - ....on the Uhrtürmchenplace.. - ..in the Berger Street

Kunstprojekte von Waury
Yes, it is so far! .Which was thought so long and with modest means out conjured, despite missing official sponsor funds stop, a private exception because of love. That´s it - the LOVE and the enthuisasmen. The last picture was finished in the finished at 10 o'clock and still .wonderful wet. At 1h p.a. work load .that.the latter two days without sleep, the nights before it each second slept, develops one .Art exhibition,
those but actually the start of the .World project .is., up the Berger Street in Frankfurt in Framework. from the. .

"Intercultural weeks.".......
in Germany.

I load you very cordially in
with the global love

to along-swing!